This was Synthrotek’s first NAMM experience and it was a blast! (although very tiring) Checkout these great videos that Sonic State and Analogue Zone made showcasing […]
Looking for a FULLY analog drum synth that also tracks 1V/O for 4 octaves? Look no further! The Synthrotek DS-M Eurorack Module can emulate almost any […]
Get ready for the bright lights of the colosseum! We’ve taken our rock-solid RAT clone, squeezed it into a Eurorack module and added CV control over […]
New Hand-Held Noise Consoles Synthrotek now has our ever-popular Atari Punk Console (APC) and the 4093 Chaos Nand in some new fine aluminum cases with new […]
As we are working producing a complete DIY (and complete!) modular voice, we are beginning this with our Dual Triple Response VCA! CLICK HERE FOR THE […]
At last! We have released the DIRT filter. This is another crazy module that allows for distortion, mangling, wave shaping and other caustic and filter like […]